Amsterdam based guitar player, composer and improviser, Raphael Vanoli (DE /FR) has developed a musical voice of his own. The member and cofounder of ao Knalpot, is constantly experimenting with the possibilities of the electric guitar, he has invented a playing technique that uses breath on the instrument. Cherishing real-time sound production, his practice involves many different custom-made hardware electronic setups that require complex independent movements of both his hands and feet, sometimes including breath and voice. Both in his solo music as well as in his many collaborations, from math-punk to experimental jazz, from cinematic electronic guitar collages to reductionist songs, his quest to blur the limit between electronic and acoustic sounds resolves into a singular language, sometimes with unheard colors.
Raphael Vanoli: Guitar/electronics
Lean Left throws together two explosive duos – the sax/drums collision course of Ken Vandermark and Paal Nilsson-Love with the piledriving guitarists from The Ex – to make up a positively apocalyptic quartet: an elemental musical force featuring Grade A international players zoning in and scrambling together rock, jazz, noise and blistering free improv into a highly-charged onstage assault, each member taking their sounds and bodies to the edge and often snapping out of the wilds and into glorious passages of regular rhythm. The music of Lean Left is extrovert, energetic, powerful and inclusive but also confrontational and provocative: where rhythm, noise, melody and harmony melt together in perfect union. Pretty much the dream ticket for those who like their live music raw, hard and violently soulful. (unsounds.com)
Terrie Ex: Guitar
Andy Moor: Guitar
Ken Vandermark: Reeds
Paal Nilssen-Love: Drums